We decided NOT to go to Gettysburg but instead to get in the car and head straight to Harpers Ferry. On our way in the mater of 30 minutes we passed through 3 states! Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Literally you blink and you missed the welcome signs my sister was trying so hard to get pictures of. What you do not miss and are in complete awe of is the breath taking scenery and the views.
About 1:00 pm we decided it was time to move on to find lunch. That in it's self was a small adventure. This is only a town of 300 people! We found a small restaurant called "The Anvil". We decided that worked better then the 7 eleven we had seen.
We walked in and thought ok this could really work. The place was nice and quant. All we were looking for was a good meal and to wait out the next hour before our hotel check in. We decided to seat ourselves in this little booth, where the table reminded me of a old kitchen counter.
I thought it was kind of cute. That my friends was pretty much the end of a the good experience there. I should have known this was going to go down hill from the minute we realized that every thing on said table was sticky. YUCK! It was not that busy but it took us sometime to get that cleaned up. Second warning bell: poor service and we had not even ordered yet! I should have taken these 2 warnings and ran, well the getting was good. But as I am clearly a sucker for punishment I did not.
We ordered and I was hopeful for the food. I ended up ordering a Ruben with fries. Something simple right? You shouldn't be able to mess that up. OH how I was so wrong. More on that in a moment.
Once the food arrived I was once again drawn in by the appearance of what was put in front of me.
I was like "YAY ME!! TIME TO EAT!" boy was that first bite a disappointment. the meat was almost all fat and very dry and tough. I only ended up eating half. This would be a first for me. I never leave anything behind. Lets just say I am glad I did because both myself and my sister were glad the hotel let us check in early mainly because we were sick the rest of the afternoon :-(
So word to the wise if you ever get a chance to come this way do your self a favor do NOT eat here... but DO make sure you take plainly of time to enjoy the view!
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