In my very crazy life of kids and a hubby that needs to get up at zero-dark-Oh-way-to-early (If you do not know what time that is be oh so ever thankful! But think of it as anytime that is before the sun ever decides to get out of bed herself!) When he is home that is another breakfast among everyone else's that needs to be made. Now you would think that would be easy put out bowls and cereal and tell them to go at it. YEAH RIGHT NOT HAPPENING! It's MA, I'm running late I don't want to eat that! MA, can I have eggs and bacon? Oh Ma that sounds good but can I have veggies instead in mine? MA, come on we have to get to the school bus. Mama? I's hungwry pwese. Or my fave "Hunny, did you manage to pick up my uniforms from the dry cleaners?" Have you ever had one of those morning where you just want to change your name from MA to anything else? Lol I sure do at least twice a day.
But this is my solution to making breakfast a little bit easier.
What you need:
2 eggs
2 Tbsp. milk
1 Tbsp. of real bacon bits. (You could add whatever you want with your eggs)
1 Tbsp. shredded cheese
a small spray of cooking spray
1 large coffee mug
Crack eggs into large coffee mug
Add milk
Mix in bacon bits
Add shredded cheese. Let stand 1 min

Mix eggs and milk
Mix in bacon bits
Microwave on HIGH 1min 30 sec to 2 min or until almost set stirring after 45 sec.
Add shredded cheese. Let stand 1 min
Serve and Enjoy!!
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