Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday Funny: August 31/13

Today's funny comes to you while I'm at the gym for the first time in more time then I care to admit. That alone should be the Saturday funny! Me. At. A. Gym!! 

But I figure it's the one place I can "be alone" for a bit. Now that the football team of mine (known as my kids) starts school on Tuesday I should in theory gain a bit more me time. Well at least that's the thought. 

Meanwhile this is what I found funny on Facebook this week:


  1. LOL these were cute. I got back into the gym last week as well. I use to go every day and burn tons of calories until I almost fell on my face and then summer began and I went to Dubai, Vegas, Paris and ate, ate ate LOL I need to get back into it.

    1. Hey! Welcome back how was the trip? Yes well it's been about 3 years since I've been to an actual gym. Which is real sad considering The Man is all about the doing Marathons!! I think it's coo-coo. But oh we'll :)
