Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday Funny: August 31/13

Today's funny comes to you while I'm at the gym for the first time in more time then I care to admit. That alone should be the Saturday funny! Me. At. A. Gym!! 

But I figure it's the one place I can "be alone" for a bit. Now that the football team of mine (known as my kids) starts school on Tuesday I should in theory gain a bit more me time. Well at least that's the thought. 

Meanwhile this is what I found funny on Facebook this week:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Italian Sausage with Grilled Vegetables Pasta Toss

Well let me tell you this is TWO meals in ONE!! This is what I like to call as a double duty meal!
It is awesome hot right off the grill. But even better it is one totally mind blowing pasta salad! Perfect for family gatherings or like us a large family!
Please note it makes A LOT! So don't be afraid to cut back on the amount of pasta if you do not want to be eating it for a week. Don't say I didn't warn you :)
Remember I love getting your feed back on how it went for you!
What you need:

1yellow zucchini, cut length wise then cut into 1/2 inch think slices
2 Green peppers, cut into 1/2 inch wide strips
2/3 cup red onion wedges
5 plum tomatoes, coarsely chopped
6 tbsp. Kraft Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tuscan Italian dressing, Divided
1 Lb. Italian sausage links (About 4-6 sausages)
3 cups Rigatoni pasta, Uncooked
1 cup of your favorite shredded cheese
2 Ft. tin foil
Put It Together:
Cut up vegitables
Lay Foil out on cutting surface
Spread out cut vegetables on to foil
Add 1/4 cup of dressing
Make a foil pack with foil around vegetables to be placed on grill.
O a Med. high grill place vegetable pack and sausages. Good for about 15-20 min turning sausages frequently.
Meanwhile start cooking pasta as directed, omitting salt
Once Sausages are cooked and removed from grill on your cutting surface slice the sausages lengthwise ten into bite size pieces
Drain cooked pasta and place in a large bowl
Add grilled vegetables including juices.
Add Sausage
Add remaining dressing
Give a good toss
Top with cheese.
Serve and Enjoy!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday Funny: August 24/13

Wow we are just about a week away till school starts!!! I canna wait!!

I'm so looking forward to being back into a daily schedule. 

Till then here is what was funny on Facebook this week:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday Funny: August 17/13

Gooooood Mooooorning Everyone!!!

It's been a super busy week around here with us trying to get ready for back to school. YAY I said it BACK TO SCHOOL!!!! Are you all as happy about it as I am?

So on this very fine Saturday lets see what I found funny on Facebook this week. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Funny: August 10/13

Woohoo we finally made it again to the weekend!! Is it me or are the weeks starting to fly by?

Teen #2 just got back from camp. Everyone else is doing their own thing. It's kind of an organized chaos going on. 

So how was everyone's week? Do anything special?

This was what I found funny on Facebook this week:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

National Purple Heart Day.

To our Hero's that have been awarded the Purple Heart-both wounded, and fallen, I honor you. I respect you and I remember you always. NEVER FORGET!!


Monday, August 5, 2013

Easy Crock-Pot Pulled Pork

Now as I posted on Saturday we have had a major disaster happen when it comes to our deep freeze. Granted it was pre 1994 when Freon was banned due to the major health hazards it causes. Let me put it this way I believe when my Dad gave it to me it was from when he and my Mom were married. It's been 8 years since they've been apart. So needless to say it was VERY old. But it was still my trusty friend that I made all my huge meals and stored them in. As well when you family is as large as mine your fridge freeze just doesn't cut it. So when the old guy finally cut out it has left me scrabbling to save as much as I could from it.

Pulled Pork is one The Man's favorite meals. If I am even more honest it's pretty much a unanimous favorite for everyone here. So when I was recuing the pork roast I was inundated with requests for pulled pork.

So by popular demand (from my family) I give you:

 Crock-Pot Pulled Pork:
What You Need:
1- 6-8lbs Boneless Rib Pork Roast
1 Bottle of BBQ Sauce divided
2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder
1 1/2 Tbsp. Italian Seasoning
1 Tbsp. Dry Onion Flakes
1 1/2 cups Water 
Put It Together:
Take Roast and put it in Crock-Pot
 Sprinkle Garlic Powder over roast
 Sprinkle Italian Seasoning over roast
 Sprinkle Onion Flakes over roast
Cover roast with half a bottle of BBQ sauce 
Add Water to bottom of Crock-Pot
 Set timer for 4 hrs. 30 min
Once fork tender remove from Crock-Pot and put on platter 

 Fork meat into shreds. Take about 1/2 cup of the drippings to mix in with your remaining BBQ sauce to make it easier to mix and give it some moisture
 Add remaining BBQ sauce
 Top on Favorite style of bun adding any desired toppings.
Serve & Enjoy!