Evening All.
I am putting the call out for anyone who is open to helping Arlington National Cemetery .
I personally have friends buried there and I visited last month on my trip to Washington DC on Veteran's Day. There I saw The President Of the United States speak in honor of all that have served and have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
I was present for the laying of the wreaths and the tomb of The Unknown Solder as well as the changing of the guard. Let me tell you just how moving that place really is. Rows a pond rows of toms is all you see.
Section 60 is where all Vets of the last 12 years are laid. This is where my friend lays. |
The Reason I am mentioning all of this is that each year warriors who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom, have a wreath laid in their memory and honor at various cemeteries. This year Arlington National Cemetery needs your help.
The wreath laying ceremony will take place on December 14th at 10am by
Wreaths Across America. They’re currently 35,000 wreaths short and need your assistance. You can purchase one for just $15 by
clicking here. Please share this message with all your friends so we can help complete this mission.
If you live in the DC area and would like to offer your assistance hanging wreaths, simply show up on December 14th at 9:45am.
Want to know more about the non-profit Wreaths Across America? Check out this video below.
Semper Fi!