Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday Funny: October 25/14

The Happy Beautiful Autumn Saturday Everyone!!!!

Sorry for being so MIA the last bit lots has been going on with Teen #2 and her treatment. 

As well it's my most favorite time of the year & I just love to be outside all the time with the kids & pups. 

So we are a week away from Halloween do you have any plans or do anything special? We don't really but I love to wander the area & see what everyone else's is up too. 

With that lest see what was funny this week on Facebook. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday Funny: October 11/14

Happy Saturday everyone!

This has been a crazy week. Lady Jaye (The Man's pup) is sick. The weather change for the cooler weather I sware had made the kids go Squirrley. 

It is ALSO the Canadian Thanksgiving. We are full of cooking. When I say we I mean me. I'm cooking 2. Full dinners this weekend. 
What are you doing this weekend?

So with all this going  let's see what was funny this week on Facebook. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday Funny: October 4/14

Happy October everyone!

It's all this fall and pumpkin around here!

Hubby's Birthday has now come and gone this week. 

My awesome juicer finally kicked the bucket. Thankfully I bought the extended warranty from Best Buy. The Lady on the phone says I can just take it in for an exchange. Yay more juice!

Teen #2 is setting into her new routine at the facility very nicely. 

All in all its been a pretty good week. 

How has yours been? 

Let's see what was funny on Facebook this week:
Ok well this made me laugh. I love Cookie Monster