Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday Funny: February 22/14

Good Saturday Morning everyone!

How was your week? Mine was pretty quite actually. The kind I enjoy the most after all the things that have happened this past month. I'd gladly take a quite run of the mill week any time. :) It means no crisis to avert & no surprises. 

So it should be no surprise to you for me to show you what I found funny on Facebook this week:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday Funny: February 15/14

Good morning all! 

How was your week? How did you spend your Valintine's Day?

My week was ok. I think Mr. Murphy finally went home, so the trip from hell is finally over. Woot!

As for Valintine's Day. The Man was away. Just me & the kids which normally means we "Un-Valintine's Day". Nothing we do is overly gooshy or any of that. We either go to the movies or have a full on movie night at home in our PJs. 9/10 times Pjs always wins. So that's what I did with the kids. But The Man had other plans this year. He set up a very wonderful surprise dilivery for me. He sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. 

This made me so very happy happy! In return I set up about 10 emails that were sent randomly to him for Valintine's Day. They were called: "The Things That Remind Me Of You..." He loved it all day he was checking his email to see what else I sent. 

So on that very happy note lets see what was funny on Facebook this week:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday Funny: February 8/14

Afternoon All!!

I'm sorry for the MIA the snow storms the last week keep knocking out the power as well I was on a business trip from hell. 

I'm sure you all know about Murphy's Law. Well I had the much displeasure of having Mr. Murphy accompany (thought not invited might I add) on my trip. Hence the reason it was the trip from hell! 

So let's see what was funny this week on Facebook for a good laugh: